Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Your Spirituality Type

Thanks to a link from the Blog of my old friend Travis Polling (Sister Anna Bap's Famous Radical Pie), I found THIS link to the "test your spiritual type" website. This website proports to tell you what KIND of Christian you are. I thought that was pretty silly... Till I took the test. As soon as I saw "Franciscan Prayer" at the top of my results page, I KNEW this little Java script had it's shit together. Totally cool! So Check it out!

Here's my results:
Your Spirituality Type: PATH OF SERVICE (Franciscan prayer)

About 38 percent of the population is this spiritual type--but far fewer of this type come to church regularly.

Like Saint Francis of Assisi, those who follow the path must be free, unconfined, and able to do whatever their inner spirit moves them to do. They don't like to be tied down by rules. One thinks of Saint Peter impetuously jumping into the water to join Jesus as a typical action of this type.

Franciscan spirituality leads to acts of loving service which can be a most effective form of prayer. The gospel stories about Jesus have a special appeal, particularly the Incarnation of God in the life of Jesus, which is the center around which Franciscan life and spirituality revolve. Franciscan prayer is flexible and free-flowing making full use of the five senses and it is spirit-filled prayer.

Those on this path can make a meditation on the beauty of a waterfall, flower, meadow, mountain, or ocean—all of God's creation. There is more stress in prayer on the events of Jesus' life on this teaching. Like Saint Therese of Lisieux, prayer is done with total concentration—as if this is the most important thing to be doing at this moment Therese did all tasks knowing that each was a part of the total harmony of the universe.

By Roger O'Brien.
Found in VISION:
© National Religious Vocation Conference

Weird... A little java script has me all figured out. Therese and Francis are mi familia and my patrons. I'm in love with Therese and want to be Francis' best friend. Cool. Check this little site out!

Thanks for reading my blog! I think the test is pointing at your "spiritual constitution" rather than your affiliation to a particular Saint. It's saying that, like St. Augustine, your path to God is paved with knowledge, books, and study. (I'd say this is a pretty good charaterization of you, from the talks we've had). Interestingly enough, Saint Augustine didn't agree with his conclusions EITHER! A few months (?) before his death, he had a powerful experience of Cosmic Conciousness. In the aftermath, he was quoted as saying that everything he'd written before that time was "worthless". I think, he was visited by Jesus and the Lord let him know that the deep dogmatism and exclusionary theology of his youth wasn't going to get him into Heaven. :) This statement by Augustine didn't stop the mideaval church from making his writings unquestionable dogma, however... Very interesting...
hmm...again, my thanks. I did not know that St. Augustine had a mystical expereince that profoundly changed him. Intersting! And, like me !
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